在线作业 发表于 2023-10-17 10:50:18


Chapter 6 Self-Assessment-Listen(满分4分)
试卷总分:4 得分:10
1.1.Listen and fill in the blanks. a_0601_01.mp3 Kenji:So, Salma, is this your first trip to the United States? Salma:Yes, it is. Kenji:And what’s your impression so far? Salma:Well, the people are really ____ (1), and the city is bea utiful. But the food; well, it’s not so good. Kenji:Oh, yeah, that’s what I thought too when I first got here. But I’m used to American food now. I actually ____ (2) hotdogs and French fries. Yolanda:So last night I took Salma to a Mexican restaurant. I wanted her to try something ____ (3). Kenji:Did you like it? Salma:Yeah, the food was pretty good, but it was too much. I couldn’t ____ (4) it all. Yolanda:Salma was amazed when I took the leftovers home in a doggie bag. Kenji:Yeah, that’s funny, isn’t it? They call it a ____ (5) bag but it’s for people. Anyway, what else surprised you? Salma:That the restaurant was so ____ (6)! We don’t use air conditioning so much in my country. Oh, and the water had ice in it, too. I had to put on my ____ (7), I was so cold! Salma:Excuse me. Hello? Oh, hi, Eduardo. Waitress:Excuse me Miss, but we don’t ____ (8) cell phones in the restaurant. Salma:Oh, sorry. I didn’t know… Eduardo, I’ll have to call you back… That’s strange for me. In Lebanon we use phones everywhere. I mean, we try to talk quietly in a place like this, but … Kenji:Same in Japan. This kind of ____ (9) is getting more popular, though. Yolanda:I’m sorry, Salma. Salma:No, no, it’s OK. When in Rome, ____ (10) as the Romans do.
2.2.Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer.
(1)Who is listening to this lecture? 1
(2)Secondhand smoke has about ______ carcinogens in it. 2
(3)What are carcinogens? 3
(4)About how many people may die each year from secondhand smoke? 4
(5)Non-smokers wanted to ban smoking ______. 5
(6)______ in the US are non-smoking. 6
(7)What state in the U.S. that has strict anti-smoking laws does the speaker mention? 7
(8)What is generally true about smoking laws in the U.S.? 8
(9)You’d better be careful talking about smoking because ______. 9
(10)If you want to smoke in the US, you’d better ______. 10
A.American university students.
B.Foreign college students.
C.All students in the United States.
A.Chemicals that cause cancer.
B.Smoke from someone else’s cigarette.
C.A dangerous chemical in tobacco.
(5).__5__ all the homes all the public places some states
A.All the air flights
B.All the restaurants
C.Some of the air flights
A.You can’t smoke in restaurants in any state.
B.You can always smoke in bars.
C.The laws change from place to place.
A.people in the US are emotional
B.people don’t want to give up smoking
C.people often have different opinions
A.ask others to smoke with you
B.ask about the local customs
C.let the police know about it
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